Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22nd - 23 days to go

1:00pm - Home

5km Row
time - 18.39

5:00pm - Schwartz's

Backsquats and Benchpress

BS - worked up to 12 @ 100kg
120 x 8 x 2
130 x 5
140 x 2
155 x 1 (ugly)


BP - worked up to 8 @ 75kg
80 x 6,5,6

Frontsquats and BarBell Rows

FS - worked up to 6 @ 90kg
100 x 3


BBR - 50kg x 12 x 6

then mucked around with

One legged squats (must work on these)
Ring dips

*exhausted but happy

1 comment:

  1. Nice work dude. The squats are coming up!
    Seems like 5km row preps the legs nicely for PB's on your back squats!?!?!
